The Sub 1.4.3 Update

The Sub

The Sub 1.4.3 Update

10 May 2022    |    by Philip Mackenzie     |    SHARE:    

The Sub v1.4.3 free update is now available in My Account.

This update adds native M1 support on Mac, Velocity Sensitive, Fine Tune, New Settings Screen and various bug fixes/updates.

Native M1 support on Mac

Universal binary supporting M1 and Intel Macs natively (automatically selected).

Fine Pitch

+/- 1 semitone fine pitch control.

Velocity Sensitive

The Sub now has a velocity sensitive mode.

Sub bass amplitude is difficult to get right in many studios due to the nature of low frequencies. For that reason we did not include velocity sensitive in The Sub before now as each note has been carefully tuned to have the right amplitude.

But with a wider range of sounds from expansion packs it makes sense to have more control, especially if you use The Sub for full basslines rather than layering with other parts.

If you are layering to add depth and want consistent results then we recommend leaving velocity sensitive disabled.

New Settings Screen

The main menu is now neater with all settings moved to a settings screen.

Bug Fixes

Various small bug fixes and updates for MacOS Monterey and Windows 11.


Close your DAW and install. No need to remove the old version. The update can be downloaded from My Account